Friday, July 29, 2016

Week of August 1-5 and Athletic Paperwork

Next week the team will meet at Lower Woodland Park just East of the soccer pitch and across the street from the Green Lake Golf Course.

Coach Collier sent me a note expressing his appreciation to the captains who are on-time and at-the-ready each morning to get everyone started, and to those of you who have worked so hard over the summer, especially the incoming freshman. Many of you have conflicts resulting from firm commitments or vacation, but now is the time to do all that you can to join the others and get some training in before the season starts in about three weeks. 

Athletic paperwork will be accepted in the office starting on August 15, and it is the responsibility of each athlete to complete this process proactively and on-time. Paperwork must be turned in before the first official practice for you to be eligible to participate. The RHS office staff and Athletic Director will confirm receipt on a list to Coach Collier, which will be the authoritative data source.  What does that mean to you? Get an early start, print the forms and complete them, and drop them by the school office beginning on August 15th. All forms are online and downloadable here:

Friday, July 22, 2016

Week of July 25-29

1. Cowen Park this week, Monday - Friday at 8:00AM. Captains will be adding core strength sessions after the run, so plan to stick around.
2. Does anyone have or know who has the team tent that was last seen after the District Varsity race at Lake Sammamish State Park last October? If you have any information, please let me know.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Week of July 18-22

Captain runs will leave from the track at Roosevelt High School next week at 8:00 AM. Participation has been growing steadily, new runners are making great strides and getting to know teammates, and all signs point to a fun and competitive fall.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week of July 11-15

XC Mob,
Captains will be leading runs this week from Green Lake (on the field next to the basketball hoops) starting at 8:00AM each morning. As a reminder, summer running is optional but highly recommended.
There is a good video here of the cross country race course at Lower Woodland Park where we’ll contest most of our Metro events this year. Worth a look for new runners and parents in particular.
- Frank (Fulton - RHS Boys XC Parent Rep)

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Week two practice will be held at Lower Woodland near the track and putt putt golf. Remember for those who are not out, summer training is very important. There will be two captains there on Monday July 4th for anyone who wants to train on the holiday.