Wednesday, December 16, 2015

2016 RAFFLE Fundraiser!

It is time to for 2016 Hall of Fame Raffle Fundraiser, and we need your help!

Raffle tickets were distributed on Monday night to all teams at the RAB meeting. We are asking each Boys Cross Country family to sell a minimum of 2 single tickets or 1 three or five pack by February 15. Last year all tickets were priced at $100, and in response to your feedback about high entry point, we have improved the program for 2016. Tickets can now be sold / purchased three ways: $50 for a single ticket, $125 for a 3 ticket pack, or $200 for a 5 ticket pack. 

The raffle drawing will be held on March 5 at 8:00 PM at the Roosevelt Riders Sports Hall of Fame Banquet at the Burke Museum, and you need not be present to win. Cash prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st place $5,000, 2nd Place $2,500, 3rd Place $1000.

Since we are out of season and don’t have the advantage of gathering easily, PLEASE DO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING;

1. If you intend to sell your tickets to family or friends, send me an email with 1) subject line RAFFLE, 2) details of your ticket allocation preference (e.g. “2 Singles”, “2 Singles and a 3 Pack”), and 3) the mailing address where you would like to receive your tickets. I will record your ticket numbers and mail them to you. When selling tickets, you will need to follow some important guidelines:
  • DO NOT break up the 3 and 5 packets: this is a requirement of State gaming laws;
  • Tickets cannot be sold by anyone under the age of 18: this is another requirement of State gaming laws;
  • Fill out ALL blanks on the ticket stub;
  • Give the purchaser the top portion of the raffle ticket and keep the ticket stub with the purchasers’ information for return to me with payment via USPS (I need to return all stubs to the RAB fundraising coordinator);
  • Insure that checks are payable to Roosevelt Athletic Booster Club (we cannot accept electronic payment such as PayPal or take credit cards, and checks are easier than cash to track and manage)
2.  If you are buying the tickets directly, please mail a check for the total amount of your desired ticket count (remember, tickets can ONLY be purchase as single ticket or in prepared packet form: $50 for a single ticket, $125 for a three ticket pack, or $200 for a 5 ticket pack), and I will mail your tickets to you in return. Mail to the address below, and be certain to include a clear return address.

Frank Fulton 
7332 46th Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Make checks Payable to: Roosevelt Athletic Booster Club

I will manage all ticket distribution, accounting, and audit activities and do my best to keep the postal and tracking process moving at a good clip. I have a team spreadsheet where I will track our progress and manage the gaps, so you can really help make the job more manageable by buying and selling early.

Please let me know if you have questions. Email is the best way to reach me at frfultonatmacdotcom. I’ll send another email after the New Year with details for the Hall of Fame Banquet, so stand by. 

Thanks in advance,


The primary activity of the Roosevelt Athletic Boosters (RAB) is to raise money as an additional source of funding for the athletic teams and sports clubs at the school. Our funding sources include the annual “Hall of Fame Auction”, the Raffle, running the concession stand at basketball games, and receiving direct donations. The monies earned assist the athletic director in supplementing the district’s budgets for the RHS teams, reduce the player fee for club sports (which we did not have to pay last year), and more.

RAB assists in funding for items that will stay with the school or benefit the entire team or PE class. We do not provide funding for individual recognition, off-season training, personalized uniforms that the students are allowed to keep such as our team shirts, or other elective items. Types of monetary assistance that may be provided include school wide sports recognition banquets or awards night, uniforms and equipment for sports teams, facility rentals not covered by the school, training and skills enhancements for teachers and coaches, assistance for teams competing at the State level, transportation, and other equipment or supplies related to athletics.     

Friday, September 04, 2015

Practices Tomorrow and for the Week of September 7, 2015

There will be a cross country practice tomorrow morning, Saturday September 5th at 8 AM at Lower Woodland.

Practices for the Week of September 7, 2015:

Monday (Labor Day) -- 2:50 PM captains-led practice at Cowen Park
Tuesday – Friday 2:50 PM official practices at Cowen Park

New Metro League Website:

The Metro league (of which RHS is a member) has a brand new website with league schedules and other information:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Practices for the Week of August 31, 2015

Practices for the Week of August 31, 2015:

2:50 PM
Cowen Park

This will also be the regular time and meeting place for all practices once school starts.

The first meet is on Thursday, 9/17 at Lower Woodland Park.  Remember that you need 10 official practices in before you can run in a meet.

You can find a complete schedule at the following link to the RHS team page on

The boys team will be running at the following invites:  

Fort Steilacoom: September 19, 2015
Tomahawk Twilight Invitational: October 3, 2015
Hole In The Wall Invite:  October 10, 2015

Also mark your calendars for our home meet at Cowen Park on Wednesday September 23, as we’ll be asking for some parent volunteer help for the meet.

Go Riders!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Official Practices for the Week of August 24, 2015

Hello team,

Next week is the first week of official practices.  Here’s the schedule:

Monday 8/24 — 8 AM at Cowen Park
Tuesday 8/25 — 3:30 PM at Cowen Park
Wednesday 8/26 — 3:30 PM at Cowen Park
Thursday 8/27 — 3:30 PM at Cowen Park
Friday 8/28 — 3:30 PM at Cowen Park
Saturday 8/29 — 8:30 AM Lower Woodland track

Remember that runners need 10 official practices in before they can run in meets, and that you must get your paperwork in to the school this week in order to attend official practices.

Fall sports paperwork may be turned to the RHS main office this week between 8:00am-2:00pm. All forms must be turned in to the office before athletes can participate in official practices.  This includes a sports physical form, good for two years. There is no play to pay fee this year. However you are required to pay for an ASB card, and must pay any outstanding fines.  If you chose to buy a yearbook you can do that at the same time.  If you plan to play more than one sport during the school year you can take care of the registration for all sports at the same time.

All necessary information and forms can be found on the athletics section of the RHS website:

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Practices for the Week of August 17, 2015

8 AM
Green Lake Wading Pool, N 73rd St and W. Green Lake Dr. N. 98115

This is the last week of captain-led pre-season practices.

Official Practices Start August 24, 2015:

Official, mandatory practices begin in one week, so get that sports paperwork in now!  Fall sports paperwork may be turned to the RHS main office beginning August 17, 2015 between the hours of 8:00am-2:00pm. All forms must be turned in to the office before athletes can participate in official practices.  This includes a sports physical form, good for two years. There is no play to pay fee this year. However you are required to pay for an ASB card, and must pay any outstanding fines.  If you chose to buy a yearbook you can do that at the same time.  If you plan to play more than one sport during the school year you can take care of the registration for all sports at the same time.

All necessary information and forms can be found on the athletics section of the RHS website:

Go Riders!

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Practices for the Week of August 10, 2015

M-F 8 AM

Lower Woodland Park.  Meet at the xc meet start line (just north of the soccer fields)

Official Practices Start in Two Weeks!!

The season is almost here!  Official practices begin on August 24, 2015 and our first meet will be Thursday, September 17th.  Fall sports paperwork must be turned in to the office before athletes can participate in official practices, and runners must have 10 official practices in before they can compete in meets.  Paperwork includes a sports physical form, good for two years. Forms may be turned to the RHS main office beginning August 17, 2015 between the hours of 8:00am-2:00pm.  All necessary information and forms can be found on the athletics section of the RHS website:

Go Riders!

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Practices for the Week of August 3, 2015:

M-F 8 AM

Lower Woodland, the field next to the track (where the xc meet finish line is)

New runners don’t need to come on Tuesday/Thursday

Note:  Official Practices Start August 24, 2015:

Please note that official practices begin in just three weeks.  So if you haven’t been running, now is the time to start!

Fall sports paperwork may be turned to the RHS main office beginning August 17, 2015 between the hours of 8:00am-2:00pm. All forms must be turned in to the office before athletes can participate in official practices.  This includes a sports physical form, good for two years. There is no play to pay fee this year. However you are required to pay for an ASB card, and must pay any outstanding fines.  If you chose to buy a yearbook you can do that at the same time.  If you plan to play more than one sport during the school year you can take care of the registration for all sports at the same time.

All necessary information and forms can be found on the athletics section of the RHS website:

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Practices for the Week of July 20, 2015

M-F 8 AM
Cowen Park

New runners don’t need to come on Tuesday and Thursday

Don’t forget the Seafair Pirate Run on 7/25.  Information and Registration at :

Runners should run the 5K, not the 8K.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Practices for the week of July 13, 2015:

M-F 8 AM Bath House Theater, west side of Green Lake (7312 W. Greenlake Dr. N.)

New runners don't need to come on Tuesday/Thursday

Next suggested fun run is the Seafair Pirate 5k on Saturday, July  25th at 6:30 p.m.

the link is:

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Practices for the Week of July 6, 2015 and Run of the Mill Run

Two pieces of information this week:

Run of the Mill Run Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Run of the Mill 5K Run is this Saturday, July 11, at 9:30 AM in Mill Creek.  Coach Collier will be volunteering at the run and encourages team members to run the race.  It is a great opportunity to run a 5K in a relaxed and fun setting.  The deadline for registration is Wednesday, July 11 at midnight and each athlete needs to register as an individual.  The captains will talk about the run at practice this week and once we have an idea of numbers we should be able to organize carpools.  The link to the registration is:

Practices for the Week of July 6, 2015

Practices this week will be M-F 8 AM at Lower Woodland, by the track.  New runners don’t need to come on Tuesday and Thursday.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Practices For the Week of June 29, 2015

All practices at 8 a.m.

Monday- Cowen Park

Tuesday- Lower Woodland, next to track 

Wednesday- Cowen Park 

Thursday- Green Lake, next to the community center

Friday- Cowen Park

New runners don’t need to come on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Practices Begin Next Week

Practices for the week of June 22, 2015 -- all at 8 AM:

  • Monday, 6/22:  RHS track
  • Tuesday, 6/23:  Lower Woodland Park, next to the track (across the street from the Green Lake pitch & putt)
  • Wednesday, 6/24: Cowen Park
  • Thursday, 6/25:  Green Lake, next to the community center
  • Friday, 6/26:  Cowen Park